Karate & Kobudo


Karate & Kobudo Switzerland

Karate & Kobudo Schule

Karate and Kobudo

Basics of the Ryukyu Kobudo Shimbukan/Okikukai Uechi Ryu: People who train in the Ryukyu Kobudo Shimbukan/Okikukai Uechi Ryu increase their physical and mental well-being.

We work together with other martial arts schools and martial arts styles that are also interested in promoting, preserving and passing on the traditional martial arts of Ryukyu Kobudo. We serve the community and wish to contribute to the spread and development of martial arts worldwide in a friendly and peace-loving spirit.

The symbol expresses these two aspects: the increase in mental and physical well-being, as well as the friendly and peace-loving spirit that the members of Ryukyu Kobudo cultivate.

The Ryukyu Kobudo Shimbukan: Our society is dedicated to the preservation and promotion of Ryukyu Kobujutsu, the traditional Ryukyu martial arts with weapons. It was founded in 1955 by Shinken Taira (1897-1970).

It emerged from the "Ryukyu Kobujutsu Kenkyu Kai", which was founded by the teacher of Shinken Taira, Moden Yabiku (1878-1941).

Shinken Taira traveled to Tokyo in 1922 and became a karate student of Gichin Funakoshi (1868-1958). In 1929 he began studying Ryukyu Kobujutsu under Moden Yabiku.

In 1933 he founded a branch dojo of Gichin Funakoshi's Shotokan style in Gunma Prefecture, where he taught karate and kobujutsu, and studied martial arts with weapons under the teacher Kenwa Mabuni (1889-1952).

In 1942 he returned to Okinawa until the end of the Pacific War.

At about the time when the older generation of karatekas began to open dojos amidst post-war poverty, Shinken Taira, concerned about the disappearance of Ryukyu Kobujutsu, became active and founded our society for the preservation and study of traditional weapon martial arts.

He became its first president and worked steadily on its development.

In 1970, after the death of Shinken Taira, his first student Eisuke Akamine became the second president of the association.

Moden Yabiku practiced the Yamani style and was a direct student of Sanda Chinen (Yamani Nusume,1840-1922). Before being taught by Shinken Taira, Eisuku Akamine studied under Chinen's students Seichir Higa(1890-1991), Reisuke Higa, Yohei Akamine (1904-1989) and Jinsaburo Higa (1900-1981). He was initiated into the katas Sakugawa no Kun, Shushi no Kon, Yonegawa no Kon, and Shirotaru no Kun Bo.

Our characteristic way of using weapons has Shorin Ryu Karate as its basis. With the primary emphasis on Bo and Sai techniques, over 20 different Kobujutsu Katas have been preserved and passed on.

Hiroshi Akamine, son of Eisuke Akamine, was elected as the third president to continue his father's work.

The association expanded under his leadership, adding more international dojos.

The southern Japanese island of Okinawa is considered the cradle and center of the original Karate/Kobudo martial art. Okinawa Karate is a synthesis of ancient Chinese boxing styles and the traditional Okinawa self-defense arts that has developed over centuries. Authorized training centers worldwide are grouped together in the "all-Okinawa Karate Association" (Okikukai).

Okinawa Karate/Kobudo is self-defense, combat and toughening, as well as a school for the mind, will and concentration. A holistic experience for the head, soul and body.

Silvia Bürki-Caduff


5. Dan (Shihan) Uechi-Ryu Karate

5. Dan (Shihan) Ryukyu Kobudo Shimbukan

Youth   Sports Director (J S)

In November 2004, I started training at Dell Hamby Sensei Uechi-Ryu (ShoHei-Ryu) Karate (上地流昭平流) and Ryukyu Kobudo Shimbukan (琉球古武道信武舘).

I have also been learning Japanese since 2006.

During my trip to Japan in 2016, where I passed my 3rd Dan test in Uechi-Ryu ShoHei Ryu Karate, I was encouraged by Hirokuni Yamashiro sensei (8th Dan) to open a dojo in Switzerland. During this time I was also able to train with a high-ranking master of this style, Tsutomu Nakahodo Sensei (10th Dan).

From January 24th to February 14th, 2018, I was back in Okinawa (Japan) to train for 1 week in Uechi-Ryu Karate and 2 weeks in Ryukyu Kobudo Shimbukan under high-ranking masters. I successfully passed my 4th Dan exam in Ryukyu Kobudo under Hiroshi Akamine Kaicho (9th Dan).

​It was again a very educational time, with many impressions, intensive training, new acquaintances and also innovations concerning Uechi-Ryu ShoHei-Ryu Karate. I found out that from now on it is no longer called Uechi-Ryu ShoHei-Ryu Karate, but now just Uechi-Ryu Karate. In this regard, the patches will now be labeled with Uechi-Ryu.

​I am already looking forward to flying to Okinawa again to train there.

​In May/June 2018 I completed the Youth   Sports Leadership Course.

On January 12th - 13th, 2019, I attended the EK children's sports course in Liestal. Packed with lots of information and practical exercises, the course was very interesting and I was able to expand my knowledge enormously. I can now call myself a children's/youth sports leader.

From February 7th to February 27th, 2019, I was back in Japan to train karate in Okinawa for 11 days and kobudo in Naha for 10 days with high-ranking masters. It was a very educational and intensive time, during which I was able to train 4-6 hours every day. In karate, I was able to gain specific insights in various dojos that train the same style as me, as every sensei has his or her preferences, e.g. speed training, katas, techniques, kicks, etc. Some of them inspired me to implement these in my dojo with my students. I'm looking forward to flying back to Okinawa / Naha next year to train there.

From January 30th to February 26th, 2020, I traveled to Okinawa again to train karate for 18 days and kobudo for 9 days. It was a very educational, intensive and beautiful time, as I trained every day, including Saturday and Sunday, for 2-3 hours in the morning and evening. This also gave me new and interesting encounters with people who inspired me. You feel like you are part of a big family there, who share your passion for karate and kobudo and make you feel like you belong! Thanks to the intensive training with high-ranking masters who pass on their knowledge and skills, I was able to pass my 4th dan test in karate on February 14th, 2020. In kobudo, the focus was on checking the katas with weapons for the 5th dan and recording the corrections on video. So that I can now improve and prepare the katas for myself at home until I travel to Okinawa again next year. I'm already looking forward to next year!!!

On November 8th, 2020, I received the certificates of 5th Dan and Shihan from Hiroshi Akamine Kaicho, President Ryukyu Kobudo Shimbukan Okinawa, which filled me with pride and joy!

From October 5th to November 1st, 2023, I was in Okinawa/Japan for the first time in over 3.5 years to train for 2 weeks of Ruykyu Kobudo Shimbukan and 2 weeks of Uechi-Ryu Karate. In Kobudo, I had a few seminars in 2022 and 2023 and was able to improve my knowledge and skills there. But in karate, I was very happy to be able to train with great masters again and receive corrections from them. It was very nice to visit the friends and masters there again after such a long time, to spend time with them and to train. I had a lot of details explained to me by the various masters during training and made many warm encounters and new acquaintances! As always, it was a very educational and interesting time with great weather and great experiences. I'm already looking forward to the next time I travel to Okinawa again!

My Dojo

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